The place where you can find the latest and most useful advertising information.


Languages Supported by AdSense

Languages Supported by AdSense

The application for joining the program may be intended for websites with primary content in the following languages: Tiếng Ả Rập Tiếng Hy Lạp Tiếng Rumani Tiếng Bungary Tiếng Do...
What sets Google AdSense apart from other advertising networks?

What sets Google AdSense apart from other advertising networks?

Here are some advantages of the Google AdSense program:  - Run ads that your users will be interested in.  Google AdSense provides easily readable text ads and image-based ads targeted...
Why Use AdSense?

Why Use AdSense?

Customization and Control with Google AdSense - Modify the ad layout to match your website's design and specify where you want the ads to appear - Display ads relevant to...