
Newsletter 02


⚛️ Identity Verification and Address Verification for MCM MI Sub-publishers

As previously indicated, new MCM MI sub-publishers will soon need to verify their identity and address before ads can be distributed on their websites. MCM will consider updating MCM MI on completing these necessary steps in the ‘MCM Ready’ section. Note that this process will only affect new MCM MI sub-publishers. Additional details will be shared closer to the launch date. Learn more about the verification process.

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⚛️ Use custom distribution to provide guidance on how you want distribution to deviate in a campaign

Now, you can use custom distribution to provide guidance on how you want distribution to deviate in a campaign, such as increasing the number of distributions during certain time periods, distributing custom distributions provided by you to calculate the corresponding target rate based on actual and reduced distribution below that level.

⚛️ Updates to Google Ads Policies (March 2024)

In March 2024, Google Ads will update the section on Unacceptable Business Practices in the Misrepresentation Policy to include enticing users to share money or information by impersonating or implying false relationships or endorsements from a public figure, brand, or organization.

If we detect any violation of this policy, we will temporarily suspend your Google Ads account upon detection without prior warning, and you will not be allowed to advertise with us anymore.

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⚛️Google wants you to label images created by artificial intelligence used in Merchant Center

Google has addressed this: “We are aware of a very narrow issue that has caused temporary fluctuations in search results for a few websites. The issue has been resolved and websites will no longer see its impact.

⚛️Google Maps has launched AI features for personalized local business suggestions.

Google is introducing a trial feature in Google Maps using AI to help users discover local businesses that meet specific needs.

The new feature uses large language models to analyze Google Maps’ database of over 250 million locations, images, ratings, reviews, etc.

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⚛️ Google renames Bard to Gemini, Gemini Advanced will be packaged as part of Google One for $19.99/month

Google also announced:

⚛️Google has changed the display location of Web Stories in Google Search and Google Discover

Google has stopped displaying Web Stories in image search, carousel view in Google Discover, along with the grid view now being the carousel view in Google search results. Additionally, Google has made some other changes regarding the availability of Web Stories.

Google has added a new “Feature Availability” section to the Web Stories section in Google’s documentation.

⚛️Google Analytics 4 has introduced 8 new attribution models to track and analyze both paid and non-paid traffic sources:

⚛️Google Analytics 4 introduces new details about trend detection

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has added new details about trend detection, highlighting “small but long-term and significant changes in your data.”

The new feature works similarly to anomaly detection, helping identify changes in data. When the anomaly detection feature detects sudden increases or decreases, the trend detection feature focuses on slower changes occurring over longer periods.

⚛️Can a large number of 301 redirects to 410 error responses cause Googlebot to exhaust data collection budgets?

According to John Mueller: Data collection budgets are really only an issue for large websites. If you’re having issues there and your website isn’t really large, then Google may not see much value in collecting more data. That’s not a technical issue.”

=>Reason for incomplete data collection

Mueller answers that “it’s possible” Google may not see the value of collecting data from more websites. That means websites may use ratings to determine why Google may deem those pages unworthy of data collection.

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⚛️How does Google Search Console (GSC) handle verified 404 errors that have been fixed?

Google’s John Mueller explained the purpose of verifying 404 errors in the search console:

“It’s better if you accidentally encounter a 404 error and fix it. Clearly, you don’t need to fix 404 errors that you want to be 404. Additionally, this is a way of tracking for you (‘I fixed this error, let me know when you see it fixed’).

A 404 response is called an error because the website is requested from a non-existent URL and therefore the request is erroneous rather than Google finding and erroring on the website needs to be fixed. Technically, if the 404 status is determined to be permanent and the website never returns, the correct response is to display a 410 status code. But Google handles 404 and 410 responses almost the same. The 410 response removes the website from Google’s search index a bit faster. But the end result is the same.

For external links to non-existent URLs, Mueller suggests that fixing those links is not worth pursuing, but I think most SEOs would disagree if the link is from a legitimate website. It would be very reasonable to pursue fixing links to there by creating a 301 redirect from the incorrect URL to the correct URL.

⚛️ Is HTML structure important for SEO?

Google’s Gary Illyes sparked some controversy when commenting on the importance of HTML structure as “not very important” for SEO doesn’t mean “not important at all.”

HTML structure is still 100% important for accessibility. However, accessibility is not a direct ranking factor. If your website is not accessible, there is little chance that people will link to it or click on it in the future, so it could affect your SEO ranking.


⚛️ Global game market in February 2024



⚛️ In the top 10 game categories in February, Puzzle and Casual led in both the number of games released (both Android and iOS) and the number of ads displayed.

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⚛️ Among the regions with the largest number of ads in February, Americas, Europe and East Asia all led both Android and iOS games.

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⚛️ Below is a list of the top most advertised games in February, both Android and iOS

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⚛️Below is a list of the top developers with the most games released and ads volume in February

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⚛️ Global app market in February 2024

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⚛️ Ttp 10 app categories in February, Tools, Education and Entertainment led the number of Android apps with a negligible difference

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⚛️ Among the regions with the largest number of ads in February, Americas, Europe and East Asia led Android apps. Meanwhile, Americas, Europe and Southeast Asia lead iOS apps

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⚛️ A list of the top most advertised apps in February, both Android and iOS

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⚛️ A list of the top developers with the most apps released and ads volume in February
