The place where you can find the latest and most useful advertising information.


Including AR/VR advertising experiences in mobile applications

Including AR/VR advertising experiences in mobile applications

For Google Publishers, grabbing and holding users' attention is essential in the cutthroat world of mobile today. AR and VR are becoming more and more potent tools for engaging audiences...
5 ways to increase your video ad revenue

5 ways to increase your video ad revenue

Video advertisements have become a potent tool for drawing in viewers and increasing sales in the ever-evolving world of digital advertising. One of the main tools available to publishers to...
Typical VAST Code Problems and The Solutions

Typical VAST Code Problems and The Solutions

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) is a key technology in the dynamic world of digital advertising that allows video ads to be served on several platforms. Notwithstanding its extensive usage,...
Comparing CPC revenue from website and app on Google Ad Manager

Comparing CPC revenue from website and app on Google Ad Manager

Google Ad Manager is a strong platform that allows publishers to monetise their ad inventory on websites and mobile apps in the ever-changing world of digital advertising. Although websites and...
Location-Based Advertising on Mobile

Location-Based Advertising on Mobile

Location-based marketing has become a potent tool for both publishers and advertisers in today's data-driven marketing environment. Through the utilization of mobile devices abundant location data, advertisers are able to...
Real-Time Bidding: Revolutionizing Mobile Advertising

Real-Time Bidding: Revolutionizing Mobile Advertising

Real-time bidding, or RTB, has become a game-changer for mobile advertising in today's dynamic digital advertising world where users are always on the go. Reaching mobile audiences has never been...
Relationship Between Mobile Advertising and Programmatic Advertising

Relationship Between Mobile Advertising and Programmatic Advertising

Mobile advertising and programmatic advertising have become the two main forces in today's dynamic digital advertising scene, and they will both have a significant impact on how online marketing develops...
Estimate earning of top mobile ad sizes

Estimate earning of top mobile ad sizes

Effective advertising efforts in the mobile-first world of today necessitate a thorough comprehension of the subtleties of mobile advertising. The choice of suitable ad sizes is a crucial component of...